The Library of P.G.D.A.V. College offers various services to its users like Membership, Circulation, Reference, OPAC, Book Bank, Article Alert and Reprographic Services etc. The library organises various activities like lectures, talks, exhibitions and user education programmes for its members.
The library is well stocked with a collection of over one lakh books, 4500 bound journals and 70 periodicals covering various subjects and disciplines. Apart from the print resources, the library facilitates access to various electronic resources through Delhi University Library System on the campus network and N-List e-resources.
The College library supports differently-abled students, especially the visually impaired, through various assistive technologies. Screen reading software, ANGEL DAISY readers, MP3 players, microphones, laptops, subject related audio CDs, Geometry Kit, Abacus, Lex portable camera, dedicated lab for accessing Braille library resources and audio recordings are some of the library resources offered to differently-abled students.